Diffusion FROM,Diffusion TO,AUROC,Zt (degree-matched),Zt (uniform),Zf (degree-matched),Zf (uniform) GBM AK GS only,GBM EA Median STRING,0.6774519597933788,4.047,7.250,4.534,3.828 GBM EA Median STRING only,GBM AK GS,0.9240072944992697,9.028,10.784,3.372,3.802 GBM AK GS only,GBM EA Median STRING only,0.6712407723735602,3.763,5.901,4.643,3.294 GBM EA Median STRING only,GBM AK GS only,0.9233511809031003,8.979,12.739,3.545,3.501 GBM AK GS only,Overlapped,0.9998435136403944,3.162 *,2.536,2.823 *,2.485 GBM EA Median STRING only,Overlapped,0.941816090752261,1.979,1.790 *,2.364,2.266 Overlapped,Non-overlapped genes in both groups,0.7734642320161045,7.421,12.141,1.744 *,2.032 Z-scores are computed for the experimental AUROC based on distributions of the random AUROCs Zf : when randomizing source genes (Diffusion FROM) Zf : when randomizing recipient genes (Diffusion TO) Random genes are selected either uniformly or degree matched * : Distribution of random AUROC is not Gaussian **,#Mapped,#Total,Not mapped genes, GBM AK GS Only,63,63,,N/A GBM EA Median STRING Only,105,105,,N/A Overlapped,2,2,,PLCG1;PIK3R2